Sharpening a chisel is essential for maintaining its effectiveness in woodworking. The best method usually involves a few key steps to ensure a sharp, durable edge. Here are the steps to achieve a finely sharpened chisel:
- Flattening the Back: Start by flattening the back of the chisel on a coarse stone. This is a one-time process for new chisels or those that haven’t been properly flattened. The back should be perfectly flat to ensure a sharp edge.
- Grinding the Bevel: Use a bench grinder or a sharpening stone to shape the bevel. Typically, chisels are ground to a 25° angle for general woodworking. Keep the bevel flat against the wheel or stone and move it back and forth to grind evenly.
- Honing: After grinding, hone the edge using a finer grit sharpening stone. This process refines the edge, making it sharper. You might start with a medium grit and move to a fine grit. Some woodworkers finish with an even finer grit for an exceptionally sharp edge.
- Stropping: Finally, strop the bevel on a leather strop charged with honing compound. This removes any burr and polishes the edge, making it razor-sharp.
- Consistent Angles: Whether you are using a honing guide or doing it freehand, maintaining a consistent angle is crucial. Use a honing guide for more precision, especially if you are new to sharpening.
- Regular Maintenance: Regularly hone the chisel to maintain its sharpness. You don’t always need to go through the entire process—often, a quick honing is enough to restore the edge for more work.
Tools for Sharpening:
- Bench Grinder or Sharpening Stones: Choose between a bench grinder or various grits of sharpening stones. Waterstones, oilstones, and diamond stones are popular choices.
- Honing Guide: This helps maintain a consistent angle while sharpening.
- Leather Strop and Honing Compound: Used for the final polishing of the edge.
- Always protect your hands with gloves and keep your work area safe.
- Keep the stones flat by regularly lapping them on a flattening stone.
- Use water or honing oil as recommended by the stone manufacturer to reduce heat and wear.

By following these steps and regularly maintaining your chisel, you can ensure it remains sharp and efficient, providing clean, precise cuts in your woodworking projects.